ASPB Board of Directors Decision on IPMB2022

As a leading society in our field, ASPB has an obligation to advocate not only for plant science, but also for plant scientists. We are not fulfilling our obligations to the latter if we stand by as members from groups that have been historically marginalized continue to face exclusionary practices, taunting, and harassment from others … Read more

A Follow-Up Regarding IPMB2022

Late last week, a passionate conversation erupted around a critically important topic in the plant science community: diversity and the inclusion of minoritized groups in visible roles at conferences, including IPMB2022. ASPB has been tagged in the conversations, and our delay in responding—our silence—allowed an unacceptable situation to get worse. Although ASPB has been assisting … Read more

Apologies to Thelma Madzima and the entire community from Katie Dehesh, ASPB President

As the President of ASPB, I’m writing to offer my sincere apologies to Thelma Madzima and the entire community. The recent events in regard to IPMB have demonstrated our shortcomings and urgent need to address the issue of diversity and inclusion, and our obligation to address the social and moral challenges we are facing. The … Read more

ASPB Award Nominations Are Open

Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 ASPB Awards. The deadline is February 25, 2022, so please submit your nominations as soon as possible. It is important that ASPB honor the most notable achievements and contributions of plant scientists worldwide – a responsibility that we carry out in large part through our annual awards … Read more

DARPA Announces Cornucopia Program

On December 10, the Defense Sciences Office (DSO) at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) released a broad agency announcement (BAA) for its Cornucopia program.  Cornucopia is a funding opportunity focused on how to produce palatable food from microorganisms such as bacteria, microalgae, and fungi using minimal inputs. The program will span four years and … Read more

ASPB/AAAS 2022 Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellows Program

Are you interested in science writing? Do you want to help people understand complex scientific issues? Apply for the ASPB/AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellows Program and learn how to increase public understanding of science and technology. Fellows in the 10-week 2022 summer program will work as reporters in mass media organizations nationwide. Application … Read more

ASPB Signs USCIA/NSF Authorization OPT-OUT Letter

ASPB recently signed a letter that encourages and supports a conference agreement for House and Senate competitiveness legislation that will, “reflect a bipartisan, bicameral commitment to maintaining U.S. global competitiveness through increased long-term investments in NSF research and education programs.” Read the Full Letter Here  

Surviving Academia and Industry: 2021 Plant Biology Workshop

By Asia Hightower (EDIC) and Anjali Iyer-Pascuzzi (EDIC) During the Plant Biology 2021 meeting, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee (EDIC) hosted a virtual workshop called ‘Surviving Academia and Industry’. Navigating the scientific workforce can be challenging for anyone at all career stages, but is particularly stressful for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) … Read more

Apply for an ASPB Women’s Young Investigator Travel Award for Plant Biology 2022!

ASPB is now accepting applications for the Women’s Young Investigator Travel Awards to attend Plant Biology 2022, which is scheduled to be held this year in Portland, Oregon from July 9-13, 2022, and online! The goal of the program is to increase attendance of early-career female investigators at the annual meeting; women plant scientists who … Read more

Call for workshop proposals for Plant Biology 2022

Planning for the Plant Biology 2022 conference is well underway. This year the conference will be a joint meeting with the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists and this year’s program committee is pleased to invite members of the plant science community to submit proposals for workshops to be held during the conference. Please complete and … Read more

Apply for an ASPB Travel Grant to attend Plant Biology 2022!

ASPB is offering a limited number of travel grants to attend Plant Biology 2022 which is scheduled to be held in Portland, Oregon from July 9-13, 2022, and online. The travel award program aims to increase attendance of early-career scientists at the annual meeting by providing funds for those in financial need; increasing diversity among … Read more

Sprinting to Endow ASPB’s Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award

By now, we hope you have heard about ASPB’s major fundraising drive – the Centennial Challenge – leading up to ASPB’s 100th anniversary in 2024. Although components of the Centennial Challenge – the Pioneer of ASPB program, for example – are perennial, at a recent meeting of the Centennial Challenge Committee it was decided to … Read more

Request for Concurrent Symposium Proposals for Plant Biology 2022

We are looking forward to Plant Biology 22, a meeting organized jointly by the Canadian and American societies of plant biology, returning to a primarily in-person format in Portland. New for this year, the ASPB/CSPB/SCBV Program Committee is soliciting proposals from the community to convene and organize concurrent symposia. The Program Committee will evaluate the proposals … Read more

ASPB Statement on Sexual Harassment

Reports of sexual harassment in the plant sciences have recently been brought to public attention by Science magazine. The American Society of Plant Biologists believes that discrimination, harassment, bullying, and retaliation have no place in our society, and we want to express our strongest support to any victims of such reprehensible behaviors. Although neither the … Read more

ASPB Signs Letter Urging Support for NSF Funding in Infrastructure/Reconciliation and Appropriations

ASPB is pleased to sign a letter urging U.S. House and Senate Democratic leadership to prioritize and protect the vital investments in agricultural climate research, agricultural innovation, and agricultural research infrastructure within the Build Back Better human and climate infrastructure package.  These proposed investments are a generational down payment to fill critical R&D gaps and … Read more

Browse high impact research from The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology

Since the beginning of 2021, ASPB has partnered with Oxford University Press in the publication of The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology (see ASPB welcomes Oxford University Press). Through this partnership we’ve been exploring new ways to share and highlight the exciting research published in these journals. We’d like to introduce you to a new … Read more