Suggestions for sharing conference content by Twitter and blogs

As we begin the Plant Biology meeting today, remember that many of our colleagues will be following along virtually. What works for these  long-distance participants? Here are some examples from two very recent conferences. Have a look and see what you find useful. If you’d like to see how the recent Arabidopsis meeting was shared … Read more

Your Meeting Checklist: 21 ways to get the most out of Plant Biology 2016

Plant Biology 2016 is turning out to be our best meeting yet and we want to make sure that you get the most out of your time. To help you do this, our team at ASPB put together this handy list of 21 ways to maximize your experience. Plan your schedule Making the best use of your time … Read more

Tell your story at #PlantBio16

Tell the world why you do what you do and how you do it on video at Plant Biology 2016. The Plant Science Today blog and podcast series, How Plant Scientists Work will be hosting a video edition at the Plant Biology 2016 meeting in Austin, TX. Tell your story This is an opportunity for you to … Read more

Six Meetups Happening at #PlantBio16

Getting ready for Plant Biology 2016 in Austin? Meetups are a great way to gather face-to-face with friends, colleagues, and others with similar interests.   1. ASPB Ambassador Meetup (Saturday 3:30 – 4 pm – Membership desk near registration) Curious about how to become an ASPB Ambassador? Come meet our current Ambassadors who help support and grow the plant … Read more

11 Ways To Use Social Media At #PlantBio16

Here are 11 ways to use social media to keep up-to-date, find and connect with others, and discuss your experiences during and after Plant Biology 2016. Pro-tip Use the #plantbio16 hashtag for all of your social media activity so everyone can follow along.  Twitter 1. Follow and tweet using the #plantbio16 hashtag – tweet your experience, things you learn, and pictures of other … Read more

3 Ways To Learn How To Effectively Pitch Yourself and Your Science at #PlantBio16

Your “elevator pitch” is how you present yourself in an intriguing, attention-grabbing and articulate way. When someone asks you about yourself or your work, being prepared with your “pitch” immediately catches their interest and opens the conversation so you can provide more detail. Developing and refining your pitch is more difficult than it sounds, which is why there are … Read more

4 Ways To Supercharge Your Career at #PlantBio16

Looking for career resources and workshops to help navigate your career path?   Look no further. Here are 4 ways to supercharge your career at Plant Biology 2016.   1. Improve your skills Choose any of these career-related workshops: Re-imagining Postgraduate Training for the Plant Sciences (Saturday, 10-12) Writing Science: Inspire careful thinking and useful discourse (Sunday, … Read more

4 Ways To Connect With And Support Your PUI Colleagues at #PlantBio16

Are you from a PUI (Primarily Undergraduate Institution)? Here are four easy ways to connect with your peers, support each other, get ideas, and find resources. Attend the PUI Networking Workshop: Funding Research at PUI – Sunday, July 10 – 7-9 pm – $ This workshop is for faculty currently working at primarily undergraduate institutions (PUIs) or younger scientists … Read more

4 Unexpected Things You’ll Find at the ASPB Membership Desk at #plantbio16

So you probably know you can stop by the Membership desk (next to registration) to learn about ASPB membership, to join or renew your ASPB membership, and to say hi to some familiar faces, those ASPB staff you’ve been emailing with all year.  But did you know you could also do these fun things? Purchase Plantae and Plant … Read more

Networking Socially at Plant Biology 2016

Without a doubt, one of the top reasons we attend conferences is to strengthen and expand our professional networks. The many opportunities that a conference provides to meet and interact with colleagues and friends old and new make the jet lag and hassle of travel worthwhile, mostly. The Plant Biology meeting is a big meeting … Read more

Q&A with Richard Dixon about the President’s Symposium at Plant Biology 2016

ASPB President Richard A. Dixon, Ph.D, University of North Texas, has organized an important Major Symposia for the Plant Biology 2016 conference on plant specialized metabolism. Joining Dr. Dixon for the sessions will be: Ian Baldwin, Ph.D, Max Planck Institute, Jena Gregg Beckham, Ph.D, National Renewable Energy Labortory Joe Noel, Ph.D, Salk Institute Anne Osbourne, … Read more

Plant Biology 2016: An Interview with Harry Klee About the Major Symposia—Developing Healthier Foods: Quality, Nutrition, and Molecular Gastronomy

Harry Klee, Ph.D, University of Florida, has organized an important Major Symposia for the Plant Biology 2016 conference on developing healthier foods. Joining Dr. Klee for the sessions will be: Andy Allan, Ph.D, Plant and Food in New Zealand Linda Bartoshuk, Ph.D, University of Florida Cathie Martin, Ph.D,  John Innes Center Here are just a … Read more

Plant Biology ’15 wrap up

This is my final wrap up of #plantbiology15. My previous posts from before and during the conference (pdf) are here, here, here and here. There was a lot to take in.  The final impression of Plant Biology 2015, now that I’ve had a chance to reflect, is that it was a lot. A lot of things to see, do, … Read more

Plant Biology (#plantbiology15) days 4 and 5. Too much happening.

This post covers two days of Plant Biology, 2015 in Minneapolis. Your correspondent took the night last night to attend the closing mixer/party and so decided to combine the last two days into one post. Once again, this is just to give a reader a sense of what went on at the conference, not exhaustive … Read more

#plantbiology15 day 3. A day where energy returned

It rained this morning in Minneapolis. Luckily, that ended pretty quickly and the day was off to a quick start with the major symposia on epigenetics, with all of the speakers discussing the methylome (all of the DNA that ends up methylated in the genome, in what cells & in what conditions it occurs in … Read more

A day of connecting. Of pushing comfort zones. #plantbiology15 day 1

I went for a run this morning at 6:15am. It is now 20 past midnight. In between was day one of Plant Biology. And yes, I was there the whole day, or interacting with people at the conference that whole time. I’ve been getting known more and more for being the “twitter person” at Plant BIology … Read more

What is Plant Biology? (#plantbiology15)

The following was originally posted on the Quiet Branches Blog. Plant Biology is the name of the annual meeting organized by The American Society of Plant Biologists- ASPB (& sometimes co-organized with partner plant science societies from around the world). This is one gathering of the plant science community, one of the bigger ones that … Read more

Plant Biology 2015 – Call for Volunteers

Help with event coverage: Call for Volunteers in Minneapolis Volunteer onsite and help the entire plant science community stay connected with Plant Biology 2015. Together, we can raise awareness, increase visibility around the amazing science, networking, and education happening at the meeting and beyond. Opportunities include: Event coverage via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Taking … Read more

Plant Biology 2015: Getting Connected

We are hitting the road soon and heading to Minneapolis for what is shaping up to be a fantastic meeting. This year, Plant Biology 2015 includes: 1,000+ Abstracts 100+ Exhibits 1,100+ Posters 30+ Mini symposia 5 Major Symposia 20 Workshops and Career sessions A series of networking events and activities A team of volunteers and … Read more