Suggestions for sharing conference content by Twitter and blogs

As we begin the Plant Biology meeting today, remember that many of our colleagues will be following along virtually. What works for these  long-distance participants? Here are some examples from two very recent conferences. Have a look and see what you find useful.
If you’d like to see how the recent Arabidopsis meeting was shared and curated, the hashtag was #ICAR_2016. You can also see a Storification (curation)  of selected Tweets here
Because the meeting was quite small and an unusually high number following from afar, I wrote up my conference notes each day with links to the speakers and papers discussed. The notes are here and here and here.
The Society of Experimental Biology meeting just ended and you can see its Twitter coverage here #SEBAMM. The Education session  and the Science Communication session have also been storified, see the links.
Finally, for those new to conference Tweeting see my suggestions here and here. I’ll be at the meet up tonight and hope to meet you all to share thoughts and ideas for how best extend the reach of the conference to those not attending.

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