Plants in the News: Help us identify 2015’s Plant Science Highlights

Normally, our Friday posts highlight plants featured in the news over the past week, but this week we take a short break to make an appeal for your thoughts on the most notable and newsworthy plant-related events, resources, breakthroughs and headline makers of the past year. Here are the stories we featured last year as … Read more

Communicating Plant Biology

After four long days at a conference, all you want to do is board a flight home, crawl into bed, and try to forget how your boss saw you dancing at the open-bar party. But on July 30, 2015, a dedicated group of scientists and communicators rallied at the end of Plant Biology 2015 conference … Read more

ASPB’s Newest Education & Outreach Partner: the Wiki Education Foundation

  The debut of Wiki Edu’s new course design tools  at Plant Biology 2015.   Wiki Ed has been eager to show off the course design and monitoring tools that we launched last month. We had our first chance to do so in late July, when Outreach Manager Samantha Erickson and I attended the American … Read more

Plant Biology ’15 wrap up

This is my final wrap up of #plantbiology15. My previous posts from before and during the conference (pdf) are here, here, here and here. There was a lot to take in.  The final impression of Plant Biology 2015, now that I’ve had a chance to reflect, is that it was a lot. A lot of things to see, do, … Read more

Conference Tweeting for Plant Scientists Part 1: Twitter basics

Twitter is quickly becoming the platform of choice for connections and communications at scientific conferences and beyond. The current culture of science, which values openness, accessibility and broad participation, is enhanced by the barrier-free Twitter environment; everyone has an equal right to participate in Twitter conversations. At several conferences this summer I’ve been asked for … Read more

Plant Biology (#plantbiology15) days 4 and 5. Too much happening.

This post covers two days of Plant Biology, 2015 in Minneapolis. Your correspondent took the night last night to attend the closing mixer/party and so decided to combine the last two days into one post. Once again, this is just to give a reader a sense of what went on at the conference, not exhaustive … Read more

#plantbiology15 day 3. A day where energy returned

It rained this morning in Minneapolis. Luckily, that ended pretty quickly and the day was off to a quick start with the major symposia on epigenetics, with all of the speakers discussing the methylome (all of the DNA that ends up methylated in the genome, in what cells & in what conditions it occurs in … Read more

A day of connecting. Of pushing comfort zones. #plantbiology15 day 1

I went for a run this morning at 6:15am. It is now 20 past midnight. In between was day one of Plant Biology. And yes, I was there the whole day, or interacting with people at the conference that whole time. I’ve been getting known more and more for being the “twitter person” at Plant BIology … Read more

PB15: Plant Biology Education Research

Education Minisymposium (#27) Wednesday 3:45-5:10, Room 101 I-J Berkley Walker: The Sounds of Science collaboration between plant biologists and music composition students Sue Wick:  Sharing the Wealth – Mentoring other colleagues and the next generation of undergraduate teachers in evidence-based (scientific) teaching. Marian Quain:  Introducing basic biotechnology teaching techniques in high schools in Jessamina Blum: Introducing … Read more

What is Plant Biology? (#plantbiology15)

The following was originally posted on the Quiet Branches Blog. Plant Biology is the name of the annual meeting organized by The American Society of Plant Biologists- ASPB (& sometimes co-organized with partner plant science societies from around the world). This is one gathering of the plant science community, one of the bigger ones that … Read more

PB2015 – Lessons on How to Study: Evidence from Cognitive Psychology

The Plant Biology 2015 Education Workshop Wednesday 12-1:30, Room 205 A-D Lessons on How to Study:  Evidence from Cognitive Psychology Guest moderator: Nate Kornell, Williams College Learn which study methods are effective, and which, despite what we might think, are not.  In this workshop, we will discuss research from cognitive psychology that shows which study … Read more

Plant Biology 2015 – Call for Volunteers

Help with event coverage: Call for Volunteers in Minneapolis Volunteer onsite and help the entire plant science community stay connected with Plant Biology 2015. Together, we can raise awareness, increase visibility around the amazing science, networking, and education happening at the meeting and beyond. Opportunities include: Event coverage via Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Taking … Read more