Here are 11 ways to use social media to keep up-to-date, find and connect with others, and discuss your experiences during and after Plant Biology 2016.
Use the #plantbio16 hashtag for all of your social media activity so everyone can follow along.
1. Follow and tweet using the #plantbio16 hashtag – tweet your experience, things you learn, and pictures of other events and activities
2. Add your name to the public Twitter List – we’ll share the list with everyone so you can connect with each other easily!
3. Attend the Tweetup during the opening reception (Saturday, 6:30 Plantae Pavilion) – Start networking early and meet fellow #plantbio16 tweeters in real life at the Plantae Pavilion. Become a designated Tweeter for sessions you know you’ll attend at the conference and learn how you can help conference bloggers with content for daily dispatches from the conference floor.
4. Take a selfie at the Selfie Station – Visit the Plantae Pavilion, take a selfie and post it on Instagram or Twitter using the #plantbio16 hashtag
5. Post photos of your friends and colleagues, along with other interesting event activities
6. Document the progress of the Draw Your Science and community coloring activity
Blogging & Blogger Lounge
7. Write blog posts about your experience: things you learned, themes of the event, people that inspired you, aha moments, intriguing research or anything else that you would like to share. Post it on your own blog or send it to our team. The blogger lounge is located in room 13A during these times: July 10 from 8am-7pm, July 11 from 8-12pm & 4-7pm, and July 12th from 8-12pm & 1-5pm.
Live video and audio
8. Share your conference video with Periscope, Instagram Video, Vine, Facebook Live or any other channel. Make sure you post your links to the hashtag so we can include you in our Plant Biology 2016 feeds.
Tell your story
9. Visit our videographer and have your “elevator pitch” recorded for free in room 13B at various times throughout the conference. Videos will be uploaded to YouTube at the end of each day for sharing. Top three videos will be aired at the town hall meeting on Tuesday and the most popular (voted by the audience) will win a prize. Elevator pitches will be recorded in room 13B during the following times: July 10 from 2-4:30pm, July 11 from 12-3pm & 4-7pm, and July 12th from 12:30-3:30pm.
10. Tell us, on video, about how you work through our How Plant Scientists Work series. This popular blog series tells the story of plant scientists from around the world. Sign up for a video interview while you are in Austin. Interviews are in room 13B during the following times: July 9 from 3-5pm, July 11 from 9-11am, and July 12th from 10am-noon.
Post your content on Plantae
11. Join the Plant Biology 2016 group on Plantae and share your experiences, photos, video and other content. Continue the conversation during the meeting and afterwards.
And, of course, here’s the small print – our social media policy in in place to ensure everyone has the best social media experience possible.
See you there! Look out for more tips in the posts to follow…