Plantum Leaps to the Future of Plant Biology: The Plant Cell Introduces Breakthrough Reports


The Plant Cell is introducing a new category of research article entitled “Breakthrough Reports” (see the Editorial October 2015) to provide a home in the journal for studies that might not provide a “complete” mechanistic story but nevertheless are deemed to present exciting new data and ideas that may open new avenues of investigation. Breakthrough Reports are not required to be a “full story” but must be judged by reviewers and editors as presenting exciting ideas that are likely to open new areas of investigation, bring together disparate fields of study, identify new mechanisms and pathways, or overturn dogma. In short, they may be low on mechanism but must be judged highly with respect to conceptual novelty. The Plant Cell editorial board has studiously avoided introducing a “short format” category of research article for many years, over fears of diluting The Plant Cell brand. Although the Breakthrough Reports are intended to be shorter than regular research articles, and supplemental data in particular will be limited, the journal will not set absolute limits on length. Rather, the focus will be on exciting new research. Read the October Editorial and submit your next plantum leap in plant biology research to Breakthrough Reports at


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