New visions and multi-faceted collaborations to creatively, efficiently, and collaboratively remaster STEM higher education and its K-12 pipeline.
The Disruptive Innovation in Higher Education Summit presented by the STEMconnector® Higher Education Council and sponsored by Cengage Learning, myCollegeOptions®, and Monsanto was a dynamic event aimed at advancing a national (US) effort to meet the education and training needs of the global STEM workforce and educate the scientists, technologists, and innovators needed for a vibrant economy. This keystone event in Washington, DC, on November 9, 2015, inaugurated the next wave of collaborative solutions to come.
The Summit is one of many events ASPB has participated in with STEMconnector® consortium members. This event focused particularly on sharing model teaching/mentoring programs, high-impact policy, and collaborative opportunities to enhance higher education initiatives. Attention also was paid to the importance of the K-12 pipeline that feeds effective higher education.
Here are key take-aways from the Disruptive Innovation in Higher Education summit:
Click HERE to see a larger Summit Notes Infographic
Click HERE to view the slides from the Summit
Click HERE to download the Summit Program
About STEMconnector® (
STEMconnector® is a consortium of companies, nonprofit associations and professional societies, STEM-related research & policy organizations, government entities, universities and academic institutions concerned with STEM education and the future of human capital in the United States.
STEMconnector® is both a resource and a service, designed to link “all things STEM” through a comprehensive website that connects national, state and local STEM entities. The STEMconnector® team advises and counsels our members and partners to ensure their participation in the best STEM practices and scalable investments.