Get Connected with Plant Biology 2014


We are hitting the road and heading to Portland for what is shaping up to be an amazing meeting. A team of volunteers and staff are working hard to make sure that the plant science community is as up-to-date and connected as possible both onsite and online, and we will be using the social web to do it. Here is a brief rundown of activities:

Include @ASPB and #PlantBiology14 in your tweets about Plant Biology 2014

Share your photos on Instagram and include @PlantBiology and #PlantBiology14 to get included in the main feed.

Check us out on Facebook

  • Post to our wall to share your experience-@PlantBiology and #PlantBiology14
  • Upload your photos, tag yourself and other attendees
  • Start a discussion
  • Check-in to events and places
  • Get updates from ASPB all year at:

Upload your Convention videos to YouTube and tag them with #PlantBiology14 and don’t forget to tweet your link with #PlantBiology14.

Share your Convention experience and insights on your blog and tag the post with#PlantBiology14. Show us what you’ve got! Post links to your blog on the ASPB FaceBook wall and Tweet the links.  We’ll pick our favorite blogger periodically and feature the blog on

Join the iConnect Team
Join the iConnect with Plant Biology team at Plant Biology 2014! Contact Susan Cato or stop by the ASPB iConnect booth at the meeting.

Share this!
Please share this information freely so we can rally the entire plant science community around the amazing science, education, and networking at Plant Biology 2014.


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