Get ready for the fully virtual Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit!
In response to the coronavirus pandemic and social distancing actions taken globally to limit the spread of the virus, the ASPB Board of Directors has decided to convert Plant Biology 2020 — which was originally scheduled to be held July 25 to July 29 in Washington, D.C. — to a fully online conference that includes both synchronous (real-time livestream) and asynchronous (on demand) access for attendees to participate.
The Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit will take place July 27 to July 31. The schedule will provide a rich mix of scientific content in plenary talks, concurrent symposia, virtual posters (enhanced with a chat feature that allows live dialogue with the presenter), professional development workshops, a virtual exhibit hall, and opportunities for small-group networking, plus as many virtual breaks as we can fit in. Our goal is to create an educational, collaborative, and participatory—but not overwhelming—experience.
All talks will be recorded for access on demand by registered participants, and virtual posters will be available for viewing shortly before, during, and after the meeting. More information on this will be sent out soon! We’re also rolling out two new features to the Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit: a Virtual Career Fair, and the ability to assign your ORCID iD to and have a DOI associated with your abstract/poster. All of these features can be accessed through your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
We will be relaunching abstract submission at the beginning of June with yet another new feature: you will be able to edit your submitted abstract until the submission deadline, should you want to update it with last-minute results.
More details about registration and all of the features will be forthcoming soon, so please keep an eye out for future messages from ASPB. Separate emails will be sent to anyone who has previously registered for Plant Biology 2020 with answers to your questions, and also to sponsors and exhibitors who have already committed to participate in the meeting. Keep an eye on your inboxes and the Plant Biology website for updates and more information in the coming days and weeks.
We are confident that we will put on an engaging, meaningful, and valuable experience for everyone who chooses to participate in the Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit, and we very much hope that includes you!
Wayne Parrott, Chair, Program Committee Plant Biology 2020
Judy Callis, President, ASPB
Maureen McCann, President-elect, ASPB