Welcome to the NEW Plantae.org, the online home for plant scientists

In collaboration with the Global Plant Council, ASPB recently launched Plantae.org (in beta), the new digital ecosystem for plant scientists.Plantae Logo_Color-01

Currently there are more than 30,000 plant scientists listed in Plantae.org, including all current and many past ASPB members, The Plantae network allows you to search for plant scientists around the world. The community is also a crowdsourced knowledge hub with education, career, and other resources as well as job opportunities, events, groups and more.

If you are an ASPB member, there are even more benefits on Plantae, including discounted job postings, the ability to create public and private groups, discounts on publishing in the journals and much more.

As an ASPB member, you already have a profile in Plantae.org.

Moving forward, anyone who wants to join ASPB will do so through the Plantae.org platform

If you are a current or recently lapsed ASPB member, you now renew your membership through Plantae.  Those previously set up for auto-renew will have to manually renew as this option has been replaced with multi-year memberships.

To renew for up to 3 years, contact Shoshana@aspb.org for details.  To renew for 1 year, follow the 4 easy steps below:

  1. Go to http://community.plantae.org/invoices.  If you need help accessing your log in information, please contact Shoshana@aspb.org.
  2. Check the box next to the membership invoice you want to pay.
  3. Click on the Enter Payment green button.
  4. A payment box will pop up where you can enter credit card information or Bill Me information.  When finished, click Enter Payment.

If you need any assistance joining or renewing on Plantae, please contact Shoshana@aspb.org.

Interested in helping us out by providing feedback about the new site?  Once you have logged in, feel free to look around Plantae.org and provide any feedback you have by starting a new discussion on the Beta Testing forum.

Tools and resources are being improved and added all the time, so visit Plantae.org often.

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