This past February, we asked for ideas to name the new online home for the plant science community (due to launch this summer) that we are building in partnership with the Global Plant Council.
Our community’s creativity was amply demonstrated in the great ideas we received. We reduced the initial list to the most viable options (i.e., those with available URLs and without trademark or copyright issues, etc.), and then we presented those options for a vote.
Voting results from Round One:
- PlantConnect – the Plant Science Community
- Plantae – The Plant Science Community
- Plant Commons – the Plant Science community
- OR Plant Science Exchange
- PlanTID – Plant Science Tools, Ideas, and Discussions
You speak; we listen!
With over 800 responses, we had quite the turnout. (Thank you!) But we also received a large number of comments encouraging us to be more creative and visionary with the names we were considering, along with many additional suggestions.
Comments included:
“All of them sound drab and unimaginative 🙁 Do we want non-plant biologists to think we plant researchers have no imagination and/or linguistic skills?…”
“Why not go with something less generic that reflects the function of the site as a point of growth and development…”
“None of these are inspiring. The top two are OK and at least convey what the platform is about…”
“It’s really hard to say, none of these are particularly appealing.”
And so here is what we are going to do . . .
We are opening up a second round of voting that includes the top three results from Round One, along with the new list of potential names based on your input:
New names: The Online Platform for Plant Scientists I Am Plant Science
Top three from Round One: PlantConnect – the Plant Science Community Plantae – The Plant Science Community Plant Commons – the Plant Science community
Back to you!
Now it’s your turn (again). Please take a moment to complete the survey and provide your choice by Tuesday, April 28th at midnight EST.
And thank you so much for your engagement!
Plantae – The Plant Science Community
It has more scientific theme
Still not very enthousiastic by these names !!
Hope a day with a healthy word with less contingent cliamate &,nature.
The Big Seed or just BigSeed
Are these domains free?
No – We purchased most of them for 12 months for under $10.00.
I’m a sucker for a pun so vote for short and sweet, easy to remember, say, write and type.
I am missing the pun!
Planty sounds better to me.
Since it would provide a broader platform in combination with global plant council hence, makes better sense.
I liked two suggestions plantconnect and plantform , the two of them refers to connect plant scientists in a single platform. I wish someone could use the both to evolve single word
Some commenters are concerned that plant biologists come up with different ideas than outreach professionals do (and note that we are amused by particular linguistic jokes). I can offer a datum on what PR people developed for a group of horticulture organizations. GrowIt is the name that a big public relations firm for a somewhat similar concept. A specific goal of that effort is to grow undergraduate enrollment in plant sciences, so it makes some sense.
Voted. I’d suggested, derived from plantform.
What about TheCommonGarden?
Just thought I would add my 2 cents from Australia. How about – ?
The ‘Node’ also describes a communications network along with the plant contexts.
I checked and it is available for $10.99
Good luck
Nice idea, Plant scientists
I like or they sound fun and appealing. The last one is even more interesting because it sounds like planet (at least to me I directly think of our planet and life), includes the word plant and mention the connection.
TheMeristem/TheMeriSTEM provides an opportunity to also emphasize STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) education in the name. STEM is well recognized by most people (good for marketing) and it would provide a touch point for younger students to realize that Plant Biology is a multi-discipline endeavour.
I like and “PLANneT”
Is it still possible to make suggestions. How about Phytopia?
PLANTneT sounds good too! 😀
The smallest unit of a plant that can grow into an entire plant., classy and jezzy
I voted for a boring one:
I like the fun names; but the fun can come in individual scis profiles in the exchange/platform…the name ought to be easy to find for anyone and say what it is.
I missed the first survey. I always liked Plant Fizz
Vote for PlantConnect
I vote for . the word as some fellows pointed out is classy and well describing our community. it is also representing the heritage of plant scientist.
We agree – the name of our community is very important, and we believe that Plantae is inspiring as well as classy. We are working very hard right now to get it ready for our beta launch in September.