Please read the following carefully to understand the rules and guidelines.
Photo Categories
- Science – the inner workings of plant biology (microscopy, laboratory, growth chamber, herbarium collections, etc.) & the people who make it happen
- Agriculture – fields, orchards, farming, planting, etc.
- Gardens – flowers, vegetables, landscaping, urban oases, etc.
- Nature – forests, fields, mountains, riparian…as long as plants are the star
- Plant products—things humans derive from plants (clothing materials, medicine, furniture, biodiesel, paper products, cosmetics)
Artistic Guidelines
- The design must include at least one idea or element from FoPD-USA Messaging
- If a design is distinctly suited for just one particular category (see above) then it probably hits the right mark.
- Designs can include whimsy, dry wit, critical thinking, a-ha moments or any combo thereof.
- The design’s art, message and tone must convey clearly on a t-shirt. And it won’t hurt if the design also can convey clearly on stickers, mugs or other swag.
- Designs must be family-friendly (e.g. SafeSearch compatible in Flickr or PG in movies).
- Graphic design is art. So if you’re truly confident in your design’s artistry and non-offensive message, you may diverge from the above.
Contest Rules
- Designs must be original and submitted by or on behalf of the designer and with the designer’s direct consent.
- Adults must submit on behalf of minors.
- By entering the contest, the submitter certifies that the design is original and does not infringe on copyright laws.
- Submit designs online by midnight April 30 (local time zone). Extended to May 11, 2015! You may submit more than one.
- Designs must be 300 dpi or better so they are suitable for print media as well as for use in online channels.
- Use this filename pattern: CategoryNameYOURLASTNAMEfirstnameTSHIRT.pdf. If submitting more than one design use: CategoryNameYOURLASTNAMEfirstname(2)TSHIRT.pdf. Failure to use the correct filename pattern may result in disqualification.
- Designers must agree to the full Terms & Conditions (below) which includes assigning the copyright to unrestricted public domain.
- Designers must reside full-time in the United States or US territories.
Terms & Conditions
- ASPB and their immediate families are not eligible to participate.
- One $100 prize will be awarded by check or wire to the adult contact for the winning submission in each category after all design and contact information is confirmed and by December 31, 2015.
- In the unlikely event of a tie, the cash prize will be split among the winners for the relevant category.
- Any tax implications will be the responsibility of the winner. The winner agrees to supply to contest organizer American Society of Plant Biologists any necessary tax information to process the payment.
- All submitted photos will be freely available to anyone under a Creative Commons 4.0 International license. Contest organizers may refuse or reject any images with copyright details that are unclear to the organizers.
- All submissions may be shared via the contest organizers’ media streams after the contest ends; proper credit will be included.
- American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) and its associates and supporting organizations will do their best to run the contest in a fair and efficient manner, but they assume no responsibility for any direct or indirect losses or consequences you may incur in participating in this contest. ASPB may modify the contest rules and operating procedures, to insure the competition is fair and effective.