Submit Your Abstract for Plant Biology 2021

The Plant Biology 2021 Worldwide Summit will be virtual again this year, taking place online July 19-23, 2021.  As always, the program will provide a rich mix of scientific content in plenary talks, concurrent symposia, virtual posters, professional development workshops, a virtual exhibit hall, and ample opportunities for small-group networking. Building on the success of Plant Biology 2020, which was attended by 2700 plant scientists from all over the world, this year’s theme is FROM a global audience TO a global audience. We will pay careful attention to the diversity of topics, presenters, and geographical interests to support this theme and create a valuable and memorable experience that connects plant scientists around the world.

But we need your help to do this. If you would like your research work to be considered for a concurrent symposium presentation, you must submit your abstract (see instructions and advice at that submission link) by midnight, EST (UTC−05:00) on March 11. Plant biologists at all career stages are encouraged to submit. Please see the abstract categories here.

If you know of other colleagues who might be interested in submitting an abstract, please forward this email!

Registration will be open soon—and will include the popular group rate options that we introduced last year. Please watch your inbox for more information!

We are excited to see you online in July 2021, and look forward to reviewing your abstracts!

The Plant Biology 2021 Program Committee

3 thoughts on “Submit Your Abstract for Plant Biology 2021”

  1. Hi there!
    I have a genuine concern which may be a demotivating factor for many students or PIs, in their decision to register. I think, asking for abstract submission money without putting forward the registration fee looks like a translucent approach. 25$ is okay for me, but I don’t know how much I have to pay for registration. If I was aware of the registration fee, I would have made my decision to submit abstract by now.


  2. Hi —

    Registration will open this week (March 8th). Not only will there be discounted rates for ASPB members but their will be group rates that universities and companies can take use to have more participation at deeper discounts. Please send me an email – for more questions


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