Authors required to publish in open-access journals may be able to publish in ASPB journals at no additional cost to them
As institutions and funders around the world require authors to publish with journals meeting certain open access standards, authors may feel like their options for journals in which to publish are becoming more limited. However, there’s hope for authors wishing to publish in ASPB’s Plant Physiology and The Plant Cell, as both journals benefit from read and publish deals reached with Oxford University Press that make them compliant with Plan S and other open access publishing directives by other major institutions around the world.
About Read and Publish Agreements
Also called transformative agreements, read and publish agreements “transition from subscription-based reading to contractually-based publishing.” Authors from institutions or consortiums with a read and publish agreement may have the option to publish their articles open access in ASPB’s journals at no cost to them. This means that Plant Physiology and The Plant Cell may be available to authors whose funders, institutions, or consortiums require them to publish in an open access journal.
The Value of Read and Publish
“The value to authors is if their institution is participating in an R&P deal, they don’t have to worry about using their own personal funding to publish their articles open access,” said Matthew Senderling, Assistant Marketing Manager for the Science Journals Team at Oxford University Press. “If the option of using an R&P deal is available, it’s a good idea to take advantage of it. Having your article OA will improve accessibility and readership. More eyes on your article means having your research more widely known and increases the chances of a citation of the article.”
For institutions, the value lies in the increased transparency with read and publish agreements that can help facilitate greater collaboration and dissemination of research.
Oxford University Press’s agreements offer institutions access to journal collections along with open access publishing rights. Other benefits for institutions include increasing free access to impactful research, ensuring research integrity, and simplifying annual budgeting.
Can You Benefit From Read and Publish in ASPB’s Journals?
Use this chart to find out if your journal and institution participate in this agreement.