The spotlight is on Dr. Nicky Creux, postdoctoral research assistant at University of California Davis. Her talk is titled: The circadian clock and environmental cues co-ordinate flower maturation and pollinator visits in sunflower in concurrent symposium 22 on Tuesday morning.

1) What are you most excited about during PlantBio18?
NC: Aside for all the awesome research we will get to see, I am super excited to be giving my first ASPB talk! I am also looking forward to the Career Mentorship and grant info sessions.
2) Why should colleagues attend your concurrent session?
NC: If you are interested in plant reproduction and flower development I think this is a great well rounded session touching on many different aspects of flower biology, pollination and fertilization.
3) Can you provide a teaser (no data, big picture) for your talk, a brief description that explains why colleagues should attend your talk?
NC: My talk will focus on unraveling the coordination between the plants internal clock and environmental cues to modulate the timing of floral organ maturation and pollinator visits. In Sunflower we show that light, temperature and the clock regulate the timing and rate of floral organ elongation ensuring timely pollen and stigma presentation coinciding with pollinator activity.
Don’t miss Dr. Creux’s talk on Tuesday at 8:53 am in concurrent symposium 22 (CS-22-2). Prior to the meeting connect with Dr. Crueux’s on Twitter:@NickyCreux