With only three weeks until Plant Biology 2018 in Montreal, we would like to remind everyone to be kind and respectful toward each other during the conference, and always. ASPB is committed to ensuring that our meetings are welcoming and inclusive for everyone, so that we can be comfortable sharing ideas with each other, forming collaborations, and advancing scientific knowledge.
To this end, ASPB, CSPB, and ISPR (Plant Biology 2018 partners) are rolling out a Code of Conduct that articulates expectations and describes how complaints of harassment will be handled. Please give it a read, as this code will be implemented for the 2018 conference. And starting in 2019, all Plant Biology registrants will be required to be aware of this code and agree to abide by it.
As a community, it is our responsibility to speak up if we observe or witness harassment or unacceptable behavior in whatever form. If for some reason you are in an uncomfortable situation yourself, please do your best to excuse yourself as quickly as possible, call a friend or colleague to come help, or take an Uber/Taxi back to your hotel.
Unacceptable behavior and/or harassment at Plant Biology 2018 will not be tolerated. Harassment should be reported to the Director of Meetings and Events, Jean Rosenberg, at jrosenberg@aspb.org or +1 301 792 5883 who will see to it that complaints are dealt with seriously and in a proper manner (see section “What We Will Do” in the Code of Conduct).
We hope to have a collaborative and enjoyable Plant Biology 2018!
See you in Montreal.
Laura Wayne
On Behalf of the Women in Plant Biology Committee