Opening Research Avenues through New Technologies

Plant Biology 2018 Major Symposium III

In this series, we profile the exciting major symposia slated for Plant Biology 2018. Check the Plant Biology 2018 website for updates on times and locations– and register now so you don’t miss any of these great talks!

Major Symposium III: Opening Research Avenues through New Technologies will be held Monday, July 16, 2018, 8:30–11:00AM.

This symposium offers attendees a chance to learn about cutting edge technologies from leaders from academia and industry. The organizers are Anja Geitmann from McGill and Phil Taylor from Monsanto.

This symposium will feature:

Integrating Sorghum Pan-Genomic Information with High-Resolution Phenotyping to Accelerate Trait Discovery and Crop Improvement, by Todd Mockler from the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.

Integrative Modeling and Visualization for the Development of in Silico Crops by Amy Marshall-Colon from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Applications of Synchrotron Technology in Plant Biology Research, by Karen Tanino from the University of Saskatchewan

Editing the Plant Genome by Daniel Voytas from the University of Minnesota

Check out the Between the Palms interview with Phil Taylor from Plant Biology 2017 on Plantae!

Plant Biology 2018 will be held July 14–18, 2018 in Montréal. For Plant Biology 2018 updates, join the Plantae Network for ASPB conferences, follow #plantbio18 on Twitter, and keep an eye on the program at /.


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