The AFRI Coalition sends letter to Chairman Hoeven, Ranking Member Merkley, Chairman Bishop, and Ranking Member Fortenberry (members of the U.S. Senate and House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittees) regarding fiscal year 2021 spending proposals.
The AFRI Coalition commends you for your support of USDA’s Agriculture & Food Research Initiative (AFRI) and urges $435 million for AFRI in the final FY21 appropriations bill.
The AFRI Coalition is comprised of organizations representing research institutions, scientific societies (including ASPB), and other food and agricultural stakeholders.
We are grateful for the inclusion of $435 million for AFRI in both the House and Senate FY21 spending proposals, and we urge you to maintain this commitment to competitive agricultural research in conference negotiations.
Read the letter: AFRI Coalition-FY21-appropriations