ASPB signs on to coalition letter in support of the NSF for fiscal year 2021 appropriations legislation. The letter was sent on November 20, 2020 to the U.S. Senate and House Committee on Appropriations members: Chairman Shelby, Vice Chairman Leahy, Chairwoman Lowey, and Ranking Member Granger.
As Congress seeks to finalize fiscal year 2021 (FY21) appropriations legislation, we urge Congress to negotiate and pass the FY21 Commerce-Justice-Science appropriations bill and make a significant funding increase for NSF a high priority.
We greatly appreciate the good work of both chambers to increase the government’s investment in NSF. We request that Congress appropriate at least $8.548 billion for NSF in FY21, as reflected in the House mark.
Read the full CNSF letter.
The Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) is an alliance of over 130 professional organizations (including ASPB), universities and businesses united by a concern for the future vitality of the national science, mathematics, and engineering enterprise. CNSF supports the goal of increasing the national investment in the National Science Foundation’s research and education programs in response to the unprecedented scientific, technological and economic opportunities facing the United States.