Dr. Bob Goldberg is well known for his research contributions to plant biology, particularly in the area of reproductive development. He has generated fundamental discoveries that have also resulted in applications in industry, such as the development of the Barnase-Barstar male sterility system together with PGS in Belgium. Bob later served as cofounder and director of Ceres, Inc., a plant biotechnology company. A major contribution to the community was his role as the founding editor-in-chief of The Plant Cell. Bob is a leader in educating the public about plant biotechnology. He championed the effort by ASPB to make the documentary film History’s Harvest, and he often speaks in public forums to promote science-based discussions about the utility and safety of genetically-modified foods. Bob has received several prizes for his excellent teaching at UCLA.
Honors will be presented at the Plant Biology 2015 meeting in Minneapolis. You can read the full list of 2015 ASPB awardees on the ASPB website.
About the Stephen Hales Prize
This award honors the Reverend Stephen Hales for his pioneering work in plant biology published in his 1727 book Vegetable Staticks. It is a monetary award established in 1927 for a scientist, whether or not a member of the Society, who has served the science of plant biology in some noteworthy manner. The award is made annually. The recipient of the award is invited to address the Society on a subject in plant biology at the next annual meeting.