What’s Happening in Honolulu: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at Plant Biology 2017

On Monday, June 26th and Tuesday, June 27th — the 3rd and 4th days of Plant Biology 2017—conference attendees are spoilt for choice following the morning major symposium. Some may find it difficult to divide their time between a plethora of workshops and research presentations in the concurrent symposia.

To start your Monday morning, Plant Biology 2017 will feature Major Symposium III: the Chemical Dictionary of Plants: Origin and Translation (8:30–11 AM). After the symposium, choose from these workshops to be held between 11:30 AM and 1 PM:

  • In the “Bioinformatics” workshop, learn about web resources, with presentations from Araport, Bio-Analytic Resource, CyVerse, Gramene, KBase, the Legume Federation, PlantCyc (Plant Metabolic Network), Planteome, TAIR, and maybe more.
  • At “Ag Biotech Products” join ASPB’s Tyrone Spady to discuss the regulatory landscape and emerging technologies.
  • ASPB staff will give valuable advice for authors at “Avoiding Mistakes in Publishing: Common Author Errors and How to Avoid Them.”
  • At the Women in Plant Biology (WIPB) luncheon, Machi Dilworth will discuss “Challenges and Opportunities for Women in Science”.

Two sessions of concurrent symposia, split by a coffee break, will be held in the afternoons. On Monday from 1:30–3:15 PM, choose from:

  • Salt and Minerals
  • Computation/Bioinformatics
  • Vegetative Development
  • Metabolic Networks
  • Education

Following coffee, the focus from 3:45–5:30 PM will be on:

  • Plant-Microbe Signaling I
  • RNA Biology
  • Environmental Responses
  • Signal Transduction
  • Organelle Biology

On Tuesday morning, start with Symposium IV: Plants and Fungi: Friends or Foes? (8:30–11 AM).

Tuesday’s workshops (11:30 AM – 1 PM) will feature more career-propelling topics:

  • Postdocs in particular will benefit from the digital resources presented in the workshop on “Planning, Executing and Cultivating Broader Impact Programs: Tools, Communities and Resources to Get Organized, Get Connected, Get Noticed, and Get Funded.”
  • In “Launching a Start-Up”, learn how to take your idea from the lab to commercial reality with Tyrone Spady of the ASPB, who will continue the focus on entrepreneurship.
  • The “Environmental and Ecological Plant Physiology Section Meeting” will include talks by postdocs and graduate students and the annual business meeting.

Next, from 1:30–3:15 PM, concurrent symposia will cover:

  • Plant-Microbe Signaling II
  • Genetic Mechanisms
  • Reproductive Development
  • Optimizing Photosynthesis
  • Applied Plant Biology

The last set of concurrent talks, from 3:45–5:30 PM, will include:

  • Phytobiome
  • Developmental Networks
  • Light Biology
  • Hormones
  • Cell Biology II

That evening, visit the ASPB Town Hall meeting (5:30–6:30 PM) and the Luau (6:45–9:30 PM).

Finally, don’t forget to set your alarm for Major Symposium V: Plant Scientist Entrepreneur on Wednesday morning (9–11:30 AM).

Plant Biology 2017 will take place in Honolulu, Hawaii. Registration is open now. For more information and a full list of the multidisciplinary sessions on offer, see the full schedule here and set up your personalized plan for the meeting.


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