We are currently recruiting volunteers to help with several career-related activities.
1. In-Person Career Chats at Plant Biology 2015
This year we will also be hosting informal career conversations in the Career Center — Q&A style. There will be five sessions throughout the meeting, each centered on a different career path that could include any of the following (if you have additional ideas, please let us know):
- Government agencies
- Industry
- Policy or Communications
- Undergraduate and K-12 education
- Academia
For each session, we would like two volunteers to lead by being in the Career Center at the designated time. We would also like to publish a brief bio of each volunteer on the ASPB blog prior to the meeting.
2. In-Person Resume Reviews at Plant Biology 2015
As in past years, we will be asking plant science professionals to help review resumes and provide guidance to job seekers. This year at Plant Biology 2015, we are expanding the number of time slots available due to increased demand for this type of help.
3. Virtual Resume Reviews via the New Online Platform
In addition, we are looking for individuals who would be interested in being a “virtual resume reviewer.” The concept is simple – just indicate interest in being a resume reviewer and you will show up in the search results of job seekers who are looking for help from other community members. If they choose you, then they would connect with you via an internal messaging system and send you their resume if you indicate you are able to review it. You can also decline if the timing is off. You do not need to attend Plant Biology 2015 to participate in this activity, but please let me know if you would be interested in volunteering to help out in this way.
3. Take the Plant Science Career Survey
This survey is just one part of a plan that we are working on to help plant scientists navigate their careers. There is much more to come this year, including a whole new approach to ASPB membership, and a digital platform for the plant science community. Please take a few minutes to fill out this short survey. The more respondents we get, the better and more complete our analysis will be. Feel free to contact either of us if you have questions.
New this year: We will be awarding participation points for all volunteer activities. Like airline miles, these points can be cashed in for a variety of benefits (more to come on the specifics of this program later this year). >> Send us an email and sign up now
These activities are for the community, by the community, and through volunteering you are helping the plant science community to grow and thrive. In the coming months there will be information regarding additional volunteer opportunities as well.