Top Ten 2016 Plant Science Today posts

The Plant Science Today blog is only a few years old and continues to gain readers. In 2016 more than 250 posts were shared, with contributions from many guest authors as well as ASPB staff. Here are the ten most widely read posts this year. Did you catch them all?

From LUCA to lily, 12 perspectives for teaching about plants

luca-300x276Twelve hints to help convey the many ways that plants are fascinating and engaging organisms in their own right

How to read a scientific paper and case study

A step-by-step guide to help students decipher the scientific literature, with a case study from Plant Physiology

Communicating effectively with graphics

frederic1-987x1024A guest post by

E/quality and diversity

What can individuals and institutions do to address systemic bias and support a culture of inclusion? Includes links to help you explore this important topic.

Plant videos: Short videos, Longer videos and lectures, Introductory Course and  Plant Molecular Genetics Course

Earlier this year we shared a set of posts listing high-quality plant-science themed videos useful for teaching and outreach. Follow the links to find terrific animations, seminars, and even whole courses.

A breakthrough in monocot transformation

picture2An In Brief by Plant Cell Science Editor Nancy Hofmann describing one of the most impactful papers in Plant Cell this year, in which the introduction of morphogenic genes dramatically increases the transformation efficiency of monocot species. (See other impactful Plant Cell papers here, and those from Plant Physiology here).

Welcome to our Plantae Fellows

In collaboration with the Global Plant Council, ASPB recently launched (in beta), the new digital ecosystem for plant scientists. Along with extensive back-end improvements, we recently welcomed our first cohort of Plantae Fellows to help nurture and grow the Plantae community. Say hello and join the conversation!

New in Plant Physiology: Laticifer function and development

picture6Plant Physiology‘s science writer Peter Minorsky summarizes a fascinating article by Castelblanque et al. on laticifer function and development.

Congratulations to Yoshinori Ohsumi

Although the major news outlets emphasized the contributions of Nobel Laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi’s work in understanding diseases such as Parkinson’s and diabetes, we celebrate his contributions to plant science, including several publications in the ASPB journals The Plant Cell and Plant Physiology.

Rethinking plant science communication

k-folta-image-300x200A guest post by Kevin Folta, Chair of the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida and winner of the 2016 Borlaug CAST Communication Award, describing effective strategies for communicating about plant science.

Career building: where do you want to go and how will you get there?

picture22-300x282Advice and resources for career building, with suggestions on how to expand your skill sets and your community, as well as where to find concrete advice on finding and applying for jobs within and without academia.

Do you have an idea for a Plant Science Today blog post of broad interest to plant scientists? Drop us a line – maybe your article will be featured as a highlight of 2017!

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