Inaugural class sets high standards for a growing program.
Mentoring Matters
Our Society takes an active and collaborative role in the Promoting Active Learning & Mentoring (PALM) Network. PALM funds one-on-one, long-term mentorships for faculty or postdocs new to the effective biology education approaches outlined in the Vision and Change recommendations. PALM Fellows work with mentors to develop, use and evaluate evidence-based active learning strategies in their own classroom. Fellows also will disseminate their new resources in their own professional networks as well as via our Society’s resource and event options including ASPB outreach events, partner journal CourseSource, and Plantae, the emerging digital ecosystem for plant science powered by ASPB. The longer term goal is for PALM Fellows to catalyze enduring change that will positively influence the teaching culture at their institution.
The Spring 2016 Class features fellows affiliated with our network partners. For the next round of fellowships ASPB affiliates (and others) can apply here starting May 15, 2016.
Congratulations to the Spring 2016 Class of PALM Fellows!
Mentee: Christopher L. Baker, PhD
Position: Postdoctoral Fellow
Institution: The Jackson Laboratory
Mentor: Michelle K. Smith, PhD
Position: Assistant Professor
Institution: University of Maine
Project: Using real-time response questions in small-group, active learning exercises to assess and enhance student understanding of meiotic recombination and its critical role in the process of evolution
Mentee: Teresa W. Lee, PhD
Position: Postdoctoral IRACDA Fellow
Institution: Emory University School of Medicine
Mentor: Karen L. Schmeichel, PhD
Position: Associate Professor
Institution: Oglethorpe University
Project: Using the model roundworm C. elegans, students will conduct authentic research and generate data investigating how epigenetic information is inherited through generations
Mentee: Stephanie Levi, PhD
Position: Adjunct Professor
Institution: Oakton Community College & Northeastern Illinois University
Mentor: David J. Marcey, PhD
Position: Fletcher Jones Professor of Developmental Biology
Institution: California Lutheran University
Project: Using the Online Macromolecular Museum, case studies, and a new assessment tool to engage students in hands-on learning about the biology of Sickle Cell Anemia
The Future of PALM is in Your Hands
To learn more about the PALM Network and how to become a PALM Fellow, Mentor, or Network Partner, please see