Thank you for attending Plant Biology 2018! Here’s your guide for Sunday– and as always, when in doubt, you can check the schedule and the conference app, or stop by Registration and ask one of our friendly volunteers. There’s even more information on the Plant Biology 2018 network on Plantae, including a bit of tourist information in the “Sights and Sounds of Montreal” post. Also, if you haven’t already, please check out our code of conduct and social media policy— and hashtag #plantbio18 if you are using Twitter.
- Conversation Circles at the ASPB booth 20-minute conversations about various ASPB programs and activities, at the ASPB Booth (booth 1413) in the exhibit hall. Today, learn about funding, outreach, minority affairs, and more!
- Roundtable discussions at the Plantae Pavilion Today, plants in space and careers in industry– meet at the Plantae Pavilion!
- More ways to boost your career Lots of resources and opportunities throughout the meeting.
Throughout the conference, you can take a selfie at the Plantae Pavilion and post it on Instagram or Twitter using #PlantBio18. A prize for the best selfie posted during the event will be awarded on Tuesday at the Town Hall Meeting.
Start your morning bright and early with Undergraduate Poster Sessions / Mix & Mingle (7–8:30 AM). Grab some coffee and a light breakfast and support the undergrads! Also, the Strategies for Developing Leadership Skills workshop (7:30–8:30 AM) will get your day off to a career-boosting start.
After Major Symposium II: CSPB President’s Symposium, Integrating Signals in Plant Cell Biology and Development (8:30–11 AM), workshop topics include:
- Tools and workflows for reproducible research (11:10 AM–12:30 PM, pre-registration)
- How to effectively communicate with policy makers (11:10 AM–12:30 PM)
- Informatics Resources for Plant Biology Research (11:10 AM–12:30 PM)
- A reflection on science and art (11:30 AM–1:00 PM, pre-registration, lunch incl.)
- Plants in Space, an astrobiology roundtable (11:15 AM–12:00 PM, Plantae Pavilion)
Sunday afternoon also offers Concurrent Symposia 1–5 (1:00–2:45 PM) on Metabolic Landscapes, Education, Plant–Microbe Mechanisms, Abiotic Stress, and Developmental Transitions, and Concurrent Symposia 6–10 (3:15–5 PM) on Plant Biochemistry, Epigenetics, Organelle Biology, Abiotic Stress: Water & Temperature, and Cell Signaling, plus evening poster sessions (5–7 PM, the Exhibit Hall).
Promote your career with these engagement activities at the Plantae Pavilion:
- Resume reviews / Mentoring sessions (all day, 8 AM–8 PM). Get your resume reviewed and other career advice from plant science professionals.
- Optimizing your online profile. Learn the best way to use LinkedIn, Plantae, and the Job Board for your career goals (12:00–12:30 PM).
- Plant Science Careers in Industry (2:45–3:30 PM). Kelly Gillespie (Monsanto), Miguel Vega-Sanchez (Monsanto), and Laura Wayne (Dow) will answer any questions you may have on how to get a job in industry and what an industry career is like.
- Teaching Tools in Plant Biology (3:30–4:00 PM). Learn how to use and contribute to the ASPB set of free online educational resources.
Engage and network with the ASPB community at the ASPB booth by
- Meeting the ASPB presidents (11:30–11:50 AM)
- Discussing the role of Women in Plant Biology (12:00–12:20 PM)
- Finding out how to get funding and support for meetings (12:30–12:50 PM).
- Learning about the ASPB flagship journals Plant Physiology and The Plant Cell (1:00–1:20 PM) and the new open access journal, Plant Direct (6:30–6:50 PM).
- Joining ASPB section leadership (3:00–3:20 PM)
- Learning about Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (5:30–5:50 PM)
- Contributing to a plant-science education platform (Planting Science, 6:00–6:20 PM)