Ring in the New Year with the GE Crops Study!

The Genetically Engineered Crops: Past Experience and Future Prospects Committee at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine will release its report in 2016! The committee held 18 information-gathering sessions on a variety of topics, including genetically engineered quality traits. Check out the brief presentation below to learn the basics of quality traits and view the webinar to see the three presentations made to the committee about new quality traits in apple, potato, and alfalfa.

Today’s Highlighted Topic: Genetically Engineered Quality Traits:
Why did the committee hear about quality traits? To consider the future prospects for genetically engineered crops, the committee was interested in hearing about projects underway to enhance quality traits using genetic-engineering technologies.

Check out the slideshow below for an introduction to quality traits or go directly to the recorded video to watch the speakers’ presentations on the topic. While there, you may want to explore more of the 80 presentations made to the committee.

About the Study

The study will provide an independent, objective examination of what has been learned since the introduction of GE crops based on current evidence. The study will assess whether initial concerns and promises were realized and will investigate new concerns and recent claims. The Academies committee will produce a consensus report with findings and recommendations that will be available to the public upon its release (expected completion date is early 2016), after undergoing a rigorous external peer-review process.

To read the biographies of the members of the committee, and for more information about the study, check out the study’s website here.

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