ASPB Members: Please Nominate for ASPB Council Positions

ASPB members are invited to submit nominations for individuals to serve as president-elect and as elected members. The president-elect serves as chair of ASPB’s Board of Directors and as a member of ASPB’s Council; the elected member serves as a member of both ASPB’s Board of Directors and ASPB’s Council. The deadline is February 12, 2021, so please submit your nominations as soon as possible. It is quick and easy to nominate – all that is required is to visit and click the nominate button.

To operate effectively ASPB relies on a number of dedicated individuals who commit time and energy to lead the Society. To illustrate what this means in practice, ASPB has created a suite of resources that will more richly engage members around society governance. These resources include synopses of the roles and responsibilities ad successful attributes of ASPB presidents and elected members. Please feel free to consult these documents as you think about individuals whom you feel are well-positioned to help lead ASPB towards its centennial. To nominate such a person for the office of the president-elect or elected member, please visit our website to submit your nomination before February 12, 2021.

If you have any questions, please email Sylvia Lee, executive and governance affairs administrator.

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