This is my final wrap up of #plantbiology15. My previous posts from before and during the conference (pdf) are here, here, here and here. There was a lot to take in.
The final impression of Plant Biology 2015, now that I’ve had a chance to reflect, is that it was a lot. A lot of things to see, do, and participate in. Sensory overload, even. There were two other plant conferences going on concurrently I didn’t even really get to look into via Twitter (#Botany2015, #napb2015).
Science is as much about the people that do it as the science itself, and in the case of plant science, we intensely study plants and how they work with a translatable goal of serving humanity through plant products. Although it’s also true many of us are focused more on how plants work as an end in itself, without translation in mind, and that’s OK. Pursuing curiosity often leads to translation eventually. Or others, like collaborators, for instance, can pick up what we learn and translate it.
I tweeted up a storm and there was a lot that happened all over the conference. I felt energized being there. Which is not always the case in overstimulating social environments.