Newest Teaching Tool: Carbon-Fixing Reactions of Photosynthesis

We’re delighted to announce that the latest Teaching Tool in Plant Biology article “Carbon-Fixing Reactions of Photosynthesis” is published. This article picks up where the “Light-Dependent Reactions of Photosynthesis” left off. TTPB34Thumbnail

The Teaching Tool covers the core biochemistry of the carbon-fixing reactions of photosynthesis, as well as its variations, C4 and CAM.  Finally, it addresses how and why plants are affected by rising atmospheric CO2 levels, and research efforts to increase photosynthetic efficiency in current and future conditions.

We’ve made every effort to provide this sometimes complex material in a clear and engaging way. We hope you can assign these materials to students for outside-of-class reading or use them to form the basis for or to supplement a lecture or lesson. Some of the information is accessible to the younger undergraduate but some is targeted at students in advanced coursework, highlighting current research topics.

For those of you who don’t have much time to dedicate to the topic, we’ve assembled a set of 24 PowerPoint slides that cover the key ideas, the “24-slide overview”. Additionally, a shorter overview of the topic, a concept guide and suggestions and links for student engagement are provided in the Teaching Guide.

Teaching Tools in Plant Biology are available to institutional subscribers of The Plant Cell (including those who access The Plant Cell through the AGORA program) and ASPB members. Contact us if you have trouble accessing these materials.

The Teaching Tools in Plant Biology content is also available on Plantae. Here the articles require Level Two membership in Plantae (free to ASPB members), but supplementary materials are accessible to everyone.




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