Thank you for attending Plant Biology 2018! Here’s your guide for Monday and as always, when in doubt, you can check the schedule and the conference app, or stop by Registration and ask one of our friendly volunteers. There’s even more information on the Plant Biology 2018 network on Plantae, including a bit of tourist information in the “Sights and Sounds of Montreal” post. Also, if you haven’t already, please check out our code of conduct and social media policy— and hashtag #plantbio18 if you are using Twitter.
Don’t forget
- Conversation Circles at the ASPB booth 20-minute conversations about various ASPB programs and activities at the ASPB Booth (booth 1413) in the exhibit hall. Today, learn about ASPB journals, SURF, and more!
- Roundtable discussions at the Plantae Pavilion Today, starting a local science outreach organization and computational plant science– meet at the Plantae Pavilion!
- More ways to boost your career Lots of resources and opportunities throughout the meeting.
To start your Monday morning, Plant Biology 2018 will feature Major Symposium III: Opening Research Avenues through New Technologies (8:30–11 AM). After the symposium, choose from Workshops (11:10 AM–12:30 PM) including:
- USDA, DOE & NSF Grant Information Session
- How to Review
- Incorporating Research into the Classroom
- NSERC information session on the Discover Grants Program
- The Environmental and Ecological Plant Physiology section business meeting
- Leadership in Science (11:30 AM – 1:00 PM, pre-registration, lunch incl.)
For your Monday afternoon, two sessions of Concurrent Symposia, split by a coffee break, will be held from 1:00–2:45 PM (Concurrent Symposia 11–15, Metabolic Novelty, MAC: Organelle Dynamics, Plant-Biotic Interface, Forests and Climate Change, and Cell Morphogenesis) and 3:15–5:00 PM (Concurrent Symposia 16–20, Computational Plant Biology, RNA Biology, Plant Biotic Interaction Diversity, From C02 to Yield, and From Imaging to Function). Check the schedule for more information.
Promote your career with these activities:
- Pitch Your Science. Present your research to the world in a 90-second video. Last day to submit! Learn more.
- Electronic Jobs Board. Post jobs and resumes, schedule interviews (8 AM to 8 PM, Plantae Pavilion)
- Resume Reviews / Mentoring Sessions (8 AM to 8 PM, Plantae Pavilion). Resume review and career advice from plant science professionals.
- Learn about:
- Plant Science Funding opportunities (11:30–11:50 PM, ASPB booth)
- The Conviron Scholars program (12:30–12:50 PM, ASPB booth)
- The Plantae Fellows program (3:30–4:00 PM, Plantae Pavilion)
- Starting a Local Science Outreach organization (11:15 AM–12:00 PM, Plantae Pavilion)
Join the Conversation at the ASPB booth:
- Topics today include getting involved with the Plant Science Research Network (11:30–11:50 PM), Minority Affairs Committee (12:00–12:20 PM), Education and Outreach (3:00–3:20 PM), a new editing tool that helps you get more citations (4:00–4:20 PM), and an Author Meetup for Plant Cell and Plant Physiology authors (4:30–4:50 PM).
Also at the Plantae Pavilion:
- Learn about Gramene, a data resource for comparative functional genomics in crops and model plant species (1:00–1:30 PM)
- Computational Plant Science Roundtable (2:45–3:30 PM)
- Plant Science Research Network information session (12:00–12:30 PM)
Draw Your Science and Question of the Day are open each day, all day at the membership booth.