Twenty-three members of the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) community were elected to the 2018 class of AAAS Fellows. Each year, the AAAS Council elects fellows based on their contributions to science and technology in the areas of research; teaching; technology; services to professional societies; administration in academe, industry, and government; and communicating and interpreting science to the public. Fellows are recognized from within the AAAS membership for their “efforts on behalf of the advancement of science or its applications are scientifically or socially distinguished.”
New fellows will be honored with a certificate and a blue and gold rosette to symbolize their distinguished achievements at the 2019 AAAS Annual Meeting.
Congratulations to the following:
Federica Brandizzi, Michigan State University
Savithramma P. Dinesh-Kumar, University of California, Davis
Robert J. Ferl, University of Florida
James A. Guikema, Kansas State University
Elizabeth E. Hood, Arkansas State University
Carol A. Ishimaru, University of Minnesota
David (Dave) Peter Jackson, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Joseph Jez, Washington University in St. Louis
Jeffrey B. Jones, University of Florida
Bruce A. Kimball, USDA-ARS/The Greenleaf Group
Andrew D.B. Leakey, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jianxin Ma, Purdue University
Ray Ming, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Karl Joseph Niklas, Cornell University
Jeffrey M. Osborn, The College of New Jersey
Scott Charles Peck, University of Missouri
Kathrin Friederike Stanger-Hall, University of Georgia
David M. Stelly, Texas A&M University/Texas A&M AgriLife Research
Katharine Nash Suding, University of Colorado Boulder
Steven M. Theg, University of California, Davis
Joseph B. Yavitt, Cornell University
Jianming Yu, Iowa State University
Baohong Zhang, East Carolina University
Please see the following link to view the nominating procedures