ASPB strives to be an inclusive professional organization, seeking input from and providing training opportunities for members across the world and at all career stages. ASPB currently involves early career professionals in two standing committees – Membership and Science Policy. Feedback at the Plant Biology 2018 Town Hall – as well as through social media and direct conversation between members and leadership – led the committee chairs and leadership to propose expansion of early career professional participation in the ASPB committees listed below. We are happy to report that the ASPB Board of Directors approved a two-year trial for the program outlined below.
The Education, International, Minority Affairs, Program, Publications, and Women in Plant Biology Committees each will appoint an early career professional, defined as an ASPB member in good standing no more than eight years since beginning graduate studies. Each would serve up to two consecutive years. The chair of the Ambassador Program will become a non-voting member of the ASPB Council.
A broad call for self-nominations will be made soon, with the application consisting of a CV and a short cover letter that describes the applicant’s reasons for applying, prior preparation – including service to ASPB – and discussion of how this service will contribute to their career goals. A letter of support from the current supervisor will be submitted separately. Committee members will conduct teleconference interviews and forward the application of the top candidate to the President Elect.
Applications will be due on 15 January, 2019, with successful candidates informed of their selection by mid-February for a 1 March, 2019 start date. While this is a trial plan, it is our hope that it will be successful and lead to a permanent program. If you have any questions or issues with the application, please contact Shoshana Kronfeld (
Thanks to community members who provided input at Plant Biology 2018, via social media and direct communication!
Rob Last, President @Biokid001
Jill Deikman, Chair of the Membership Committee @JillDeikman
Judy Callis, President Elect @Judy_Callis