Early Career Plant Scientist? You belong at Plant Biology 2021!

Registration is open for the Plant Biology Worldwide Summit 2021. We are excited to welcome plant scientists at all stages of their careers to the conference, and our group rates lower the costs for everyone!


A few specific things that may particularly interest early career researchers (ECRs):


  • We are very focused on accessibility this year, building on last years’ efforts to provide closed captioning for all scientific sessions (not only for the plenaries). CART captioning is helpful not only for attendees who are hard-of-hearing, but also those whose first language is not English, and when a speaker has a strong accent. We are excited to welcome speakers and attendees from all over the globe this year!
  • Child care subsidies will be available (yes, even for a virtual meeting)! But you need to be an ASPB member to apply. (ASPB members can also take advantage of discounted registration rates.)
  • Lots of networking options! Our conference platform allows attendees to set up small private video meetings with other attendees at will. We’ll also have a whole variety of meetups using a platform called Gatherly, as well as big networking sessions ranging from the fun and social super popular trivia game we had last year, to more formal Town Halls and everything in between. Stay tuned for more on this in a future communication!
  • Group rates! Group rates! Group rates! We have discounted rates for groups of all sizes, and this year members of a group do NOT have to all be from one organization – as long as you have at least 5 people, each with their own email address. Instructions for registering a group can be found on the registration page.

In this email, we wanted to showcase some of the specific features of the conference for early career researchers, so we asked Ashley Cannon, PhD, a Research Molecular Biologist at Washington State University and head of internal communications for ASPB’s Early Career Plant Scientist section and the Senior ECR on the Education Committee, to share her thoughts:


“Every year, plant biologists from all over the world come together at the annual ASPB Plant Biology conference to share and learn about some of the best plant science research. Although the conference is completely virtual, the program is full of world-renowned speakers and virtual networking opportunities for all career stages.

As an early career plant scientist, attending the Plant Biology Worldwide Summit will provide professional development and networking opportunities that can propel your career to the next level. This year, the workshops are covering several different topics, including preparing presentations, surviving academia and industry, tips and advice for navigating graduate school, etc. There will also be opportunities for one-on-one and small group networking and social activities. The Early Career Plant Scientists (ECPS) section will be hosting several events where you can connect with early career researchers.  

The Plant Biology Worldwide Summit is also one of the best places to share your research through a virtual presentation or poster. The virtual environment provides poster presenters an opportunity to include videos and other enhanced features that cannot be incorporated into a paper poster. In addition, presenters can network with other scientists through a live chat option. Presentations are the perfect opportunity to advocate for your science and allows other researchers to become aware of the innovative research being done in your field. We cannot wait to see you at PB21 in July!


Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to connect with the plant biology community, stay informed, and discover new opportunities. Will you join us? Don’t delay – the EARLY BIRD DEADLINE IS JUNE 19! Register today!


For updates, follow #PlantBio201on Twitter and keep an eye on the website.


See you in July!


The Program Committee

Plant Biology 2021 Worldwide Summit

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