Plant Biology 2018 Major Symposium II
In this series, we profile the exciting major symposia slated for Plant Biology 2018. Check the Plant Biology 2018 website for updates on times and locations– and register now so you don’t miss any of these great talks!
Major Symposium II: CSPB President’s Symposium, Integrating Signals in Plant Cell Biology and Development, will be held Sunday, July 15, 2018, 8:30–11:00 AM.
This symposium will cover diverse topics, including mechanical sensing, pollen selection and rejection, transcriptional networks under the control of auxin, and the endomembrane-mediated processes that drive cellular expansion.

Organizer and Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB) president Geoff Wasteneys states: “One thing I really enjoy doing is dreaming up a list of remarkable scientists and then bringing them together. I have the privilege of doing just that for the (CSPB) President’s Symposium, which will bring together Karin Schumaker, Liz Haswell, Daphne Goring and Mark Estelle to provide a wonderful mash up of ideas on the signalling and transport mechanisms that affect plant development.”
The selected talks are:
- Stretching the Imagination: Mechanosensitive Channels in Plants by Elizabeth Haswell, Washington University in Saint Louis
- Auxin Transcriptional Networks from Beginning to End, by Mark Estelle, University of California, San Diego
- Pollen Acceptance or Rejection: Cellular Regulation of Mate Selection in the Brassicaceae, by Daphne Goring, University of Toronto
- Vacuoles – Pumping up the Plant Volume, by Karin Schumacher, University of Heidelberg
Geoff continues “It is exciting to be part of the team that is organizing Plant Biology 2018. I hear a lot of people say that they prefer smaller, highly focussed meetings. Certainly, specialized meetings have their appeal, but it is impossible to replace the excitement and opportunity that meetings the size and format of Plant Biology 2018 can generate. … The best thing about a meeting like this is that you can get exposed to all sorts of stuff with which you are not familiar, while not missing out on the latest discoveries in your own area of specialization. Everyone gets smarter.”
Plant Biology 2018 will be held July 14–18, 2018 in Montréal. For Plant Biology 2018 updates, join the Plantae Network for ASPB conferences, follow #plantbio18 on Twitter, and keep an eye on the program at