We are pleased to announce that Carla Antonio has received one of our seven Women’s Young Investigator Travel Awards. Carla is currently a Principal Investigator in the Plant Metabolomics Laboratory, Plant Sciences Division at Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica (ITQB), in Oeiras, Portugal. Carla has established her own group in Plant Metabolomics. She was contracted as a valuable asset for the thematic line of innovation in plant improvement, to ensure environmental sustainability and food security, and specifically to implement metabolomics studies to address key biological questions related to plant growth and development, plant responses to environmental stresses, and crop improvement.
In more detail, her lab investigates the regulatory mechanisms leading the production of highly effective stress-protecting metabolites, including polyamines and proline, mediating abiotic stress (drought, salt and cold) tolerance traits of crops. Unraveling signaling steps and metabolic pathways controlling abiotic stress tolerance of plants, provides essential tools for coping with the adding negative effects of climate changes in agriculture, breeding, food safety and security, key issues worldwide.
About the Women’s Young Investigator Travel Award:
Each year the American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) awards travel grants to early career women investigators through a competitive process to attend the Plant Biology Annual Meeting. The goal of the Women’s Young Investigator Travel Award (WYITA) program is to increase attendance of female investigators in their first five years as an independent scientist in academia, industry, or government at the annual meeting by providing travel funds. Selection is based first on the science and quality of the abstract submitted relative to the amount of time as a young investigator, second on a statement describing why travel should be supported, and third on financial need.
This year seven women were selected and each will receive a $1000 award to attend the Plant Biology Annual Meeting in Minneapolis, MN.
congrats to MISS. Carla Antonio for there achievement. Very nice article..