For Day 4, we change up the schedule! Look for our plenary symposium in the afternoon today, starting at 3:00 PM in the Grand Ballroom!
Today’s Highlights:
Last chance to check out the posters! 7:00 AM–3:00 PM in Hall 2.
The PUI Business Meeting begins at 7:00 AM in Room LL21AB
At 7:30 AM join us in Room 230A for coffee and brainstorming as we plan future meetings at the Plant Biology 2020 Open Forum. Open to all #PlantBio19 attendees!
Morning networking begins at 8:00 AM Join ASPB President Rob Last from 8:00–8:20 AM for Early Career Professionals as Agents of Change, a conversation about creating positive change at your institution.
Other options include: morning coffee in the Grand Ballroom, or take a step into the future with VRPlants, a project aimed at developing plant biology learning modules in virtual reality!
Today’s first round of Concurrent Symposia begins at 8:30 AM Choose from a wide range of topics including Reproductive Development, chaired by Ravishankar Palanivelu; Gene Regulator Mechanisms, chaired by R. Keith Slotkin, and more!
After a short break, our second round of Concurrent Symposia begins at 10:45 AM We have Climate Change Adaptation, chaired by Thomas Juenger, or jump into Synthetic Biology and Medicinal Genomics, chaired by Toni M. Kutchan—or choose one of the other hot topics on the roster! Don’t forget to check the agenda for full listings!
Afternoon networking begins at 12:30 PM Choose from:
- All About PALM. This conversation circle discusses the NSF-funded Promoting Active Learning and Mentoring program. ASPB is a proud founding member of the PALM network!
- Open Space Conversation Circles.
- All About CourseSource. Learn about effective undergrad teaching activities and how to publish them in the peer-reviewed, open-access online journal, CourseSource!
- All About Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF). Learn about this ASPN summer internship program for undergrads.
- Or how about an out of this world experience with Space Biology? Join us for an informal discussion about research and collaboration opportunities in gravitational and space biology. And don’t forget to check out the Space Biology Network on Plantae.
- Getting Involved with Plantae Networks. Are you a Community Network Leader on Plantae-or interested in becoming one? Join this discussion to learn more and to share your ideas!
- Author Forum. Calling all 2018 and 2019 Plant Physiology, The Plant Cell, or Plant Direct authors! Join us for an author meet-up!
Over on the Innovation Stage:
- Optimizing Social Media for Researchers.
- Life of a Manuscript (Meet the Publications Staff).
- To Grad School or Not to Grad School.
- Updating the Plant Science Decadal Vision.
- What Does #ASPBForward Mean to You?
Preregistered workshops begin at 1:00 PM with Careers Beyond Academia in Room 230A, and How Machine Learning Can Be Used to Solve Plant Biology Problems in Room 230B.
Then head over to the Grand Ballroom for today’s plenary symposium, Plant Disease and Resistance Mechanisms, organized by Wenbo Ma and featuring Xinnian Dong, Sophien Kamoun and Brian Staskawicz. New discoveries related to regulatory mechanisms of the immune system, immune receptor networks, and molecular details of effector-mediated susceptibility set the foundation for enhancing disease resistance. Application of this knowledge is enforced by innovative engineering strategies to achieve sustainable agriculture. This symposium will present recent breakthroughs in understanding the governing principles of a host-pathogen arms race.
Following the symposium, all attendees are invited to learn more about the ASPB’s activities over the past year, and to offer input to guide future trajectories for the society, at the ASPB Annual Meeting Town Hall from 5:30–6:30 PM
Finally, we wrap up a successful meeting with our Annual Closing Party! Join us off-site at The Forager, 420 S. 1st. St., from 8:00–11:30 PM for live music, food, drinks, and fun!