Saturday at Plant Biology 2019 – A Recap

And so it begins… the first day has been completed! What a whirlwind of a day.

There were several morning workshops to choose from today. Personally, I went to the PUI Development Workshop which focused on how to publish as a PI at a PUI. The panel included included 5 current and former PUI PI’s, 2 of which are also journals editors. There were a lot of questions, lot of suggestions, but of course it all boils down to finding the right solution for your situation. For my Twitter thread of the event see here:

This afternoon brought the first of the major symposia, the President symposium. Four fabulous talks were given by Manajit Hayer-Hartl on Rubisco (thread: and Gauarv Mogge on pathway evolution (thread:

The coffee break brought 30th birthday cupcakes for The Plant Cell. They were delicious and popular!

After the coffee break, David Asaid says we need to blow up the traditional introductory lab in favor of student led labs (thread:…) and Beronda Montgomery gave us lessons from plants for improving mentoring (

The annual ASPB awards were handed out. The full list can be seen here:

The exhibit hall opened to the great delight of the attendees! Free goodies, food, and networking were happening everywhere!

Great first day overall, and I have a feeling tomorrow will be even better!l

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