Science In Real Life (IRL) is an educational YouTube series that’s here to show you how textbook science concepts come to life in the lab. Since each episode revolves around an experiment that a scientist does every day in the lab or field, our viewers also get to see what being a scientist is like, in real life! The Science IRL team is led by Molly Edwards, who is in the second year of a PhD program at Harvard University and studies floral evolution and development.
With ASPB’s Plant Biology Learning Objectives, Outreach Materials, and Education (BLOOME) Grant, we’ve been producing episodes about exciting plant biology research happening across the country.
Our most recent episode was filmed at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, MO. Dr. Margaret Frank, a postdoctoral researcher in the Chitwood Lab, takes us through her plant grafting research and shows us how to observe photosynthate transport through grafted plants to determine when they’ve healed.
It’s an real nature to lab experiment. Amazed by watching as a student and also a teacher of plant science.