Gibbs Medal Symposium: Mechanisms of Genome Evolution

Plant Biology 2018 Major Symposium V

In this series, we profile the exciting major symposia slated for Plant Biology 2018. Check the Plant Biology 2018 website for updates on times and locations– and register now so you don’t miss any of these great talks!

Major Symposium V, Gibbs Medal Symposium: Mechanisms of Genome Evolution will be held Wednesday, July 18, 2018, 9:00–11:30 AM.

This symposium includes talks on the principles of genome evolution in plants, including events that triggered major evolutionary transitions (e.g., endosymbiosis) and processes that represent continuous sources of evolutionary innovation (e.g., allopolyploidization).

Organizer Ralph Bock states: “During the last decade, our understanding of the mechanisms involved in plant genome evolution has benefited enormously from the genomic revolution, but also from novel experimental approaches to study the evolution of genes and genomes in real time, by doing experiments in the lab. I, therefore, believe a symposium that covers all the different processes that contribute to the evolutionary dynamics and plasticity of plant genomes is more than timely.”

This symposium features:

  • The Acquisition of Novel Organelles Through Endosymbiosis – Genomic, Cellular, and Physiological Consequences, by Eva Nowack,
  • The Role of Horizontal Gene Transfer in the Evolution of Plants and Their Genomes, by Jeffrey D. Palmer,
  • Polyploidy as Integrator Across Levels of Biological Organization: From Cells to Ecosystems, by Pamela Soltis, and
  • Experimental Genome Evolution in Plants, by Ralph Bock.

Ralph continues: “Each of the speakers studies genome evolution from a different angle and is an internationally recognized leader in his/her field. I’m glad they all agreed to speak in the symposium, and I look very much forward to Plant Biology 2018.”

Plant Biology 2018 will be held July 14–18, 2018 in Montréal. For Plant Biology 2018 updates, join the Plantae Network for ASPB conferences, follow #plantbio18 on Twitter, and keep an eye on the program at

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